Interactive Videos for Teaching and Visualization

Participants will learn to create videos that viewers can manipulate/interact with, with a focus on mathematical content. (See and for examples.) Topics include: using TeX in videos, 2d graphs, 3d graphics, coding demos, animation, and other forms of interactivity.
Participants are strongly advised to learn as much as they can about HTML, CSS, frontend JavaScript, React, and TypeScript (in that order) in advance of the workshop. These topics will be reviewed, and help will be available for them, but the focus will be on using the Liqvid software which is built on top of them. We also recommend coming with a concrete idea (ideally even a rough script) for a video you want to work on throughout the week. Contact with questions.
- What prerequisite knowledge or skills will the workshop assume?
Some familiarity with the command line and HTML.
- What specific preparation or tasks should participants have completed prior to the beginning of the workshop?
a) have a plan/script for a video they’d like to produce (here script means in the reading sense not the programming sense).
b) learn the basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, TypeScript. (Participants can contact the workshop facilitator for guidance for this.)
- What outcomes should participants expect to achieve by the end of the workshop?
Complete or mostly complete an interactive video.
- Will there be specific projects for participants, or should participants have their own projects in mind already?
They should have their own projects in mind already.