Welcome to Illustrating Math week at PCMI!

2021 July 19-23

Laura Taalman

Henry Segerman

Sabetta Matsumoto

Alexander Holroyd

Edmund Harriss

Gabriel Dorfsman-Hopkins

Rémi Coulon

Dave Bachman

Jayadev Athreya

Aaron Abrams

From the Director

Rafe Mazzeo

2016 Summer ICERM workshop (Delp – Schleimer – Segerman – Taalman)

2019 Fall ICERM semester (16 organizers, im.icerm.brown.edu)


Illustrating Math @ PCMI — Summer 2021


Code of conduct (paraphrased)

  1. Don’t dwell on inconsequential differences.
  2. Don’t be evil.
  3. Don’t be an intellectual snob.
Illustrating Mathematics = Community

  • Share your work and thoughts and ideas and confusions
  • Take advantage of office hours
  • Meet people in Peer Collaboration Time

8000 Ellipses – Hamid Naderi Yeganeh